Thursday, November 3, 2016

                                                   Image result for stephen r covey
                                               The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and thats why it comes first. It says "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

Be Proactive means that you control your life. Nobody is there to tell you what to do and what not to do. If you want to do it you can do it. If you dont want to do it dont it. You dont have to do something just because someone tells you to. For example if your happiness is soccer and many people tell you dont play because its dangerous you should not listen to them and follow your happiness. You control your happiness not anybody else. If you are unhappy that is because you choose it . Not someone else choosing it for you. You can choose your attitude as well no one is there to tell you to be happy,sad,mad, excited etc. You are the captain of your life because no one is there forever to maintain you and control your life.

“Unhappiness lies in that gap between our talents and our expectations.” 
― Sebastian Horsley

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Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (jack Welch)
"When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now"(covey)

Begin with the End in Mind means that you should always control where you want to go because if you dont someone else will. You will not know where you are until you know where you want to end up. You will not know because you dont even know where you want to end up. You have to know where you want to go first and do it quick. If you dont do it time will control your destiny because you dont have a long time. Everything takes time. For example if you dont control what you want to be your parents will. They will tell you what to do and you wouldn't want to live the rest of your life that way. Another example is if you dont know what you want to study you will not know where you are. You dont know if you need higher level classes or programs. You will know that until you know what you want to be.  

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Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities"

Put First Things First means that you should always know what goes first and try to do things in order. The only way to do that is by organizing everything. Also Dont try to rush through things do it in order because when you rush things nothing comes out how you want it to. Mistakes always happen when your in a rush. Remember priorities always go first. For example pretend you work and you have to pay the phone bill tomorrow but your friends invite you to play basketball. Remember your priority is to get the money and pay your phone bill. You should go to work instead of going to play basketball. Playing basketball isn't going to pay your bills even though you should play once in a while so you can exercise. But that is why you should be organized and you should put first things first which is your job and you can play after you are out of work.

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Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."

Think Win-Win means that you should never think negatively. In every situation just think about win dont think negatively and think about loosing. Just think about the good things and it never hurts to try. You will always get a win doesn't matter what the situation is. Even if the situation is bad always think of something you won out of it. Its always a win win situation. The bad side has a win and so does the negative side. For example if you do bad in a test. It a win because at least you took it and weren't absent. Also because you learn from your mistakes. Mostly nothing is perfect the first time and you have to accept that in order to succeed. 

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Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."

Seek first to understand, then to be understood  means that you should always seek before to understand what ever your trying to learn. After you have to be understood by others. You are just not going to talk about something you dont know about. You will most likely not even know what your talking about. You have to see first if you even like it so that is why you have to seek first. For example if you want to be a cop you first have to understand some laws. After you will teach it to others. But first you have to diagnose before you prescribe. That means you have to look at the classes and all the other thing before you actually do move on to it.   

"Before you act listen, Before you react think, Before you spend earn, Before you criticize wait, Before you pray forgive, Before you quit try."
 - Ernest Hemingway

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Habit 6: Synergize

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)

 Synergize means that everything is bigger when is a whole. The numbers that you sum up is not as great as the whole. The whole will always be greater. This can also be a sign that we always have to work together. The more people work together the better the sum will be. The sums wont make a difference unless its a whole then thats another different story. For example (1+1=3) this can be a very good example. one plus one is two but the answer is 3 so it show how it is greater. If the answer was two then it shouldn't have been different. But since its 3 it shows how a whole number is nigger than both numbers your adding.

"Together we are stronger, our voices louder, and the synergy of our actions more powerful. Together we can prevail on the Navy to put commonsense safeguards in place, like requiring its ships to avoid the most sensitive marine mammal habitats and to stop their training exercises during peak migrations. " 
   -Pierce Brosnan

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Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
"The four dimensions of self-Renewal:Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional"

Sharpen the saw means to actually do these things individually. Also balanced them out dont do one thing more than the other. Physically can mean by eating healthy, exercising, and resting. Mental can mean by learning, reading, writing, and teaching. Spiritual can mean by spending time in the outside like nature, music, art, and prayer. Social/Emotional can mean by making connections with others. You should know these 4 areas. They are all really important.

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Reflection: Write an overall final reflection in this post regarding the "The 7 habits of highly effective people." Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to continue applying the seven habits. 

 The seven habits of highly effective people will change you and your life completely. If you start applying these to your life you will have a big future. These 7 habits will help you in many different ways. I found out that I have been applying one of these habits in my life without even noticing. I will actually apply all of these habits to my daily life and I am sure that I will see a change. Sooner or later but i will be patient and remember this one day.

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